본원은 10년 이상 경력의 호주인 전문 영어 선생님이 학생들의 영어를 책임져 드리고 있습니다.
그리고 학교 assignment와 exam에 맞춰 소규모 혹은 1대1 맞춤 영어 지도를 해드립니다.
선생님 소개
* Hannah Meyer *
Hannah Meyer has a Bachelor of Media Studies from UNSW, a Masters of Human Rights from the University of Sydney, and is currently studying a Masters of Secondary Teaching at UNSW. Hannah has 8years experience working in media, journalism and communications, including work with UNSW and not-for-profits focused on supporting women’s access to education. She is committed to creating safe, productive, and empowering classroom environments, where her students are supported to achieve outstanding academic outcomes.
* Ariella *
Ariella Van Luyn has a Bachelor degree and PhD in creative writing.
Ariella is the author of a novel and over ten short stories.
She has extensive experience teaching writing to students at university and is currently studying a Masters of Secondary Teaching at UNSW.
Ariella holds high expectations for her students and actively works to support them to achieve their goals and potential.
지금까지 영어 때문에 자녀가 힘들어하고 있었다면 전문 영어 수업을 한번 받아보세요. 본원에서 영어 수업을 받으면 이런 skill이 생깁니다.