Hello my name is David and i am a biology tutor with experience of 5years.I am Australian citizen with fluency in both speaking and teaching in Korean or English.
2011~2012 8명
2012~2013 6명
2014. 6명
2015 8명
Biology Criteria (생물 시험 토픽들)
There are 3 core chapters in HSC biology and there is 1 elective unit. (12학년 생물에는 약 3개에 메인 토픽이 있습니다)
Maintaining the balance
blue prints of life
search for better health
(Elective study)
Why start biology now?
생물이라는 과목에는 정말 많은 contents 있습니다,영어가 힘들면 힘들수록 외우기가 힘들어지죠. 하지만.. biology is not about memorizing it\'s about understanding, understanding always comes first and understanding followed by memorizing will lead to better mark in HSC. 학생을 무작정 외우기 보다는 이해를 먼저 시키겠습니다. 이해 이후에 시험 풀기로 HSC 를 준비합니다