모국어가 영어가 아니고 영어를 월등하게 잘하지않는 친구가 PTE 시험 OVERALL 86점을 받은것은 결코 운이 아닙니다. 사람이 아닌 컴퓨터로 점수를 매기는 방식인 PTE는 약간의 트릭 및 노하우 그리고 꾸준한 연습이 있다면 충분히 원하는점수 (79+)를 받을수 있습니다. 이 친구는 한국인이 아니기 때문에 영어를 어느정도 알아들으실 수 있어야 합니다. (한국말도 단어 섞어서 아주 약간의 대화는 가능합니다)
아래 친구가 남긴 글 읽어보시고 관심있으신분은
0402 9100 28 로 연락주시길 바랍니다.
Hello everyone
Sick of failing your test repetitively? Not sure where to start your revision and what materials to use?!
Ok.. Here is 1 stop solution for you
(Tried and tested!!)
>>>> All of the tips and strategies work perfectly fine for me and also for you!!>>>
I am selling out my notes, practice materials from real exam questions, and including 2 hours of tutorials time.
Study notes for :
1. Describe images
2. Retell lecture
3. Summarized written text
4. Summarized spoken text
5. Essay writing
Practice materials including:
- read aloud questions
- Describe images with answers
-Answer short questions
- audio retell lecture
- audio repeat sentences with answer keys
- audio writing from dictation with answer keys
- writing essays topic with solutions
- summarised spoken text audios and transcripts
- Reading FIB
- Reading re order paragraph
- Multiple choice questions
- Essay questions with answers
*My notes will definitely be a great help in helping you score well for your real exam with some strategies and templates.
**Save your time and ridiculous amount of money $$$ for PTE class.
Study smart not study hard, hey ???? ????
Please reach out if you have further questions. Thank you!