이탈리안/이탈리안퓨전 레스토랑에서 토탈 3년이상 경력있습니다. 밝고 활달한 성격이라 같이 일하시는 분들과 항상 잘 지내왔고, 일이 단순히 일로써 받아들이기 보다는 즐기며 일 하는 편입니다. 장점으로는 손이 빠르단 얘길 자주 듣고, 항상 배우려는 자세를 가졌다는 것입니다. 관광지쪽에서 일을 했던 편이라 바쁜 주방 환경에 익숙합니다. 시드니의 주방도 하루빨리 경험해 보기 원합니다 ^^ 연락주세요
Hi Im Miya Yoo, from Korea
I am holding a working holiday visa in Australia, I can work with you at least around a year from now.
I have western, Korean, Chinese food licenses and wine sommelier foundation certificate. And I want to gain knowledge on how to cook more. I’ve had experiences in kitchen total for 3 year in Korea. Especially . I worked busy restaurants in Seoul. So I used to it that I’m in a busy environments.
I’m a fast learner. I can do anything with little supervision. In my previous job I was given different work orders every day. Also I can do multi-tasking. I was always able to carry out my job responsibilities.
My greatest strength is that I have a lot of initiative. I’m always looking for a better way to do things at work that I feel would save the company money and I can always achieve my quotas. For example one time I was working at my station and I felt that I was wasting time I always find time to get some parts.
I’ve been in Australia for only a week and my English is not perfect. But I study English as I will keep going. If you let me work with you, I am sure that my English skills will be improved fast.
Thank you for reading this. I look forward to hearing from you and discussing my suitability for the position with you further.