• Property manager (commercial) must speak fluent English
  • 60000-90000/연봉
  • 등록직종 경영/회계/사무직/비서직 > 경리,고객관리
  • 근무지역 Villawood (Strathfield)
  • 모집부문 Property Manager (commercial)
  • 담당업무 book keeping, property management plus property related work
  • 근무형태 풀타임
  • 경력구분 2년~3년
  • 모집인원 1 명
  • 연령제한 30 - 0 세
  • 학력구분 무관
  • 성별구분 무관
  • 비자조건 영주권


  • Are you looking for an opportunity in realestate?
    Generally 85% of world wealth is made from property investment.
    Join us and be in the team to witness the wonders of what property investment can offer.
    Work entails property fund raising, management of commercial and industrial properties and acquisition of properties.
    Require to speak and write fluent English and must have realestate background.

    If you with to apply or enquire, please contact Sam on [email protected]
    Or sms Sam on 0402 858 966


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