Essential Requirements:
* Bachelor of Early Childhood/ECT qualification.
* Experience within the industry.
* Current First-Aid Certificate, Asthma and Anaphylaxis training.
* Long term commitment to the centre.
* High level of professionalism and communication with families and co-workers.
* Confidence and ability to run a team and room with ease.
* Knowledge regarding the New Quality Framework and EYLF.
*Passion, enthusiasm and a strong commitment to high quality care.
유치원에서 선생님에 능력에따라 ENS/RSMS 지원 가능 회사입니다.
급여는 55,000 ~ 60,000 이고요 TAX 포함입니다.
경력은 2년이상 이신분으로 찾고있습니다. 해외에서 하신경력도 가능합니다.
많은 지원 부탁드림니다.
AIS Management HR Team
Australian RSMS 457 / Visa Service