- 인공지능 연구 및 개발자
- 커머스를 혁신 시킬 인공지능 기반 서비스 개발
- 전산학, 수학, 통계학 중 한 분야 이상의 학사 출신
- TensorFlow, PyTorch 등 오픈소스 기반 개발 능력
- 머신러닝, 데이터마이닝 분야 석사 학위 이상 소유자
- 인공지능 서비스 개발 프로젝트 참여 경험자
- 구글 클라우드 플랫폼의 기능을 활용한 개발 경험자
- 정규직
- 기타 복리후생:
AI Programmer
AI Developer
An AI Developer is required for research and development to apply Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning algorithms to problems in psychology and natural language processing, to improve the effectiveness of our Software-as-a-Service applications.
If you are passionate about new and emerging technologies and staying at the forefront by keeping up-to-date with the latest tools, technologies and frameworks, then this is the opportunity for you.
Produce fully functional solutions writing clean, testable code/solutions
Collaborate with the Product Manager to clarify the requirements
Be innovative, open and flexible in exploring different techniques and approaches to improve the effectiveness of the application
Stay up-to-date with industry developments
Bachelor, Masters or PhD in Artificial Intelligence
Experience with applicable programming languages (Python, R)
Experience with AI/Deep Learning libraries/platforms/services, such as TensorFlow, Cognitive Services, Watson, and other open source options
Experience with Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Experience working with Jira/Git, and Agile/Scrum processes
Experience working with Azure, SQL Azure, as well as automation in this environment (highly desirable)
Basic knowledge of organisational psychology/Cognitive Behavioural Therapy would be advantages
High attention to detail
An ability to communicate and work in a team