• Castle hill 카슬힐 스시트레인 판매
  • 상가 1 0 0
  • 589000 /
  • ** 스시트레인 판매합니다.
    Sushi Train - Sake Bar restaurant. Available for lunch or dinner it provides the best and freshest Japanese food in the Hills Area. - 40 seats inside - customer sushi train seats 22 - 26 seats out side - No heavy cooking - 90% of sales are takeaway or dine in. Obtained liquor license 12:00 midnight.

    Current fully under management. New owner couple could save on wages and can expect higher profit. Near this foodcourt is a 2,000 unit apartment building under construction.

    Luxurious shop fittings. Prime location. Premium food and beverages. Well known nicest sushi train in the area. High volume of sales constantly. No competition. Very stable sales. Loyal clientele.

    This business has an area of 127 sq.mts. and 50 sq.mts. of outdoor seating area

    Comments- 문의 SBX 제이슨
    All equipment belongs to business, nothing leased. New lease under processing -

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