매물 설명
Restaurant serving Korean Cuisine such as fried chicken, hot pot, hot pan, Chefs special, katsu & don, Teriyaki soups, entrees, and variety of meats and noodles. - 주류 라이센스 보유- 60 seats inside - 30 seats outside available(카운슬에 신청시 사용가능) - big commercial kitchen with storage
Suit family business. - Could change to any other cuisine or cafe
매물 특징
Excellent spacious fitout - Great location -Regular customers - Good reputation
한국 손님보다는 Local 및 아시안 손님 위주
This business has an area of 150 sq.mts.
** 4+5year 리스 남음.
Sale Reason
Moving overseas
2 owners + 2 full timers + 3 casuals
Great location - Takings $22,000 p.w. - Netting $4,500 p.w.
문의 : SBX 비즈니스 브로커 제이슨