멜번에서 중상급 영어스터디 같이해요~

jakasis | 2019-03-15 | 추천 0 | 조회 185

일상생활 영어는 다 하는데, 좀더 academic한 영어를 연습하고 싶은신 분
논리적으로 말하는 연습을 하고싶으신 분
주1회 생각중이고, 아래 이메일로 연락주시면 공부할 material 보내드리니 보고 결정해주세요~
최소 4명모이면 시작 하고, 현재 3명모여있습니다. 최대 8명까지 모집 생각중이고,
시간 되시면 참여하는 식으로, 강제성은 없습니다.

This study is for English Discussion, Debate, and Presentation.


First Session - Discussion: Read the 2~3 latest articles from Bloomberg, BBC, The WSJ, Newyork Times, etc. Topics are very diverse as well.

Second Session - Presentation: Make 3-6 min presentation during which we can practice our speech in front of people as well as listen to other people’s presentation.

Third session - 1) Debate: Divide into teams of pros and cons to have debate upon various topics

Or 2) Casual talks : Talk with other study members with given topics and questions

(Debate is the main one for the third session, but the option of casual talk session has been created for people who wouldn’t want intense debate for the day.)

[Contact Info]

E-mail : [email protected]

*When you contact us, please include the following info (in English)

1. Name
2. English proficiency (Foreign experience, English test score, etc.)
3. Reasons of applying for this study.

[More Information]
*Recommended English proficiency requirement
1. 900+ in TOEIC
2. 105+ in TOEFL
3. 7.0+ in IELTS
4. 1+ year of abroad experience

*Native speakers or foreigners can also join since this study is not only to keep up our fluency but also have profound knowledge and discussion as well as fun with others.

*Rather than having many inquiries, we just recommend you to come to the study and try it out. You don’t need to prepare anything when you come to the study; just yourself.

* Hang-out
We hang out afterwards and socialize with each other and drink sometimes

*Lastly, please note that there is a very strict rule: we talk only in English among study members, even when we hang out for fun.

Please come to us !

Thank you :)

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